Thursday, September 3, 2009

plastic dance break


"Beauty will be convulsive or will not be at all."
-- André Breton

barring the obnoxious yelling at the beginning, i am deliciously enamoured of this song (as i am of many things in life, lucky me!), and i find the video really interesting in an "i never expect manufactured pop products to carry any semblance of depth or thought" kind of way. i mean yes, there are the generically attractive dancer girl side items, the outrageously over-the-top outfits and sets, production value blah blah...but something really struck me with the apple core bit :>

haha i don't know, maybe i just really like apples? (i do) i found something strangely dystopian and (dare i say it?) biblical about the incorporation of apples into this conceptual landscape~ (lol @ my pathetic attempt to be ~academic~ about a freaking g-dragon music video hahahurrrineedajob). i mean we've got the ~tree of life~ conspicuously installed in the background of the first set, and it appears as though all the 'fruits' have fallen, as there are cans scattered all around the foreground -- and they're in cans! for chrissakes! mass-manufactured, prepackaged ooo0o0oh now we're getting into it! ~social commentary~ what what. so he's surrounded by these unnatural substitutes, and as the scene progresses we see that they do not even contain their supposed product, but merely cores -- used, spent, the detritus of what once was new and fresh and whole. the cores are preserved in a liquid (formaldehyde? haha i just like that word), and one of the fembots generic girls takes one and makes a move as if to consume it, as though it were an acceptable product for consumption (scathing critique of the music industry much? hmm...). g-d later takes a drink from a can, but he seems dissatisfied, resigned. cue obligatory dance break with sub-par choreography (but hey give the kid a break, he's not a professional choreographer and is doing everything himself)...

in the next scene, we see what i'm going to call a 'transitional' atmosphere -- camera tracking him through a tunnel of sorts composed of a large billowing white sheet, illuminated with bright, blinking colours. the words "Andy Warhol's Exploding Plastic Inevitable" pop into my mind, but i never did that reading for 20th-century Art and therefore haven't a clue as to what that looked like, haha. in any case, it reminds me of a womb, as though he were traveling through something organic in search of the pure, the natural...and oh look! he's holding a real apple! progress already. and another crazy dance break with happily ridiculous outfits to match.

whatever, i can't be arsed to finish commentating on the rest of the video (and oh how the world will suffer). suffice it to say that there are more apples (fresh-looking but all bitten! eve must've been feeling territorial that day), and our platinum-topped hero finally picks one and gets his fresh-faced girl after battering down a brick wall ~oh emotional barriers oh~. *snickers* yeah, okay. suddenly i feel incredibly silly having written this much about close to nothing. maybe i should eat an apple for good measure.

it occurred to me that i might want to look up the lyrics, as i have absolutely no idea what the song is about save for the english bits (obvi), but if those are any indication, i'm willing to bet that it's the standard pop formula of lovey dovey this and brokenhearted that without any true deviation into individual experience. y'know, which i'm fine with because it sounds good :) but i thought it'd be even more fun to mix my half-assed ~academic analysis with blissful unawareness, because that appears to be what i'm all about! \o/