Friday, April 18, 2008

as needed.

so i'm down with the "lather, rinse" part of the process...but does anyone actually "repeat"?

yesterday, i saw a unicyclist in riverside park! it was exciting, in a laidback way, and it made me glad that i chose to sit facing the walkway instead of the river.

chocolate hazelnut gelato by Ciao Bella is yummy. their sorbet, however, is chalky.

i can't wait 'til all this "Zomg I'm a senior!" shitstorm is over.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

nice hat.

man, i am so good at being (read: so frequently find myself as) the third wheel, i should start my own club. my third-wheelership. we could meet every wednesday to discuss new techniques of looking away casually at crucial moments.

also, i broke my diet for jo's birthday dinner party. it was worth it :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

but it's gonna cost ya...

this is kind of awesome: Tibetan Protesters Scale Golden Gate Bridge
i also love that the torch was briefly put out during protests in Paris

ha ha ha.