Ummm so am currently in the biggest Red State in the world. They've blocked Live Journal (haha, yes, I am still an emo middle schooler), and so I've had to resort to, no offense, I guess?
Well whatever. 'Tis my first foray into the colourful landscape of censorship. A strange sensation, but hell if they'll keep me from having fun :D
Hodge Podge Is Better:
- couldn't get wireless on the flight after all (Delta only offers
wireless on domestic flights...starting in 2009), sooo have been spending the past few torturous days in the dark regarding international matches (well ok I know the
England match result, but Corrine made me promise not to look up anything else...and i won't; i don't wanna be spoiled)
- lady across the aisle from us gets the Worst Parent To Ever Set Foot On An Aircraft award: two whiny, crying children whom she alternately neglected throughout the flight, and whose stinky diapers she insisted on changing
right in their seats. yup. right there in the cabin. delicious.
- watched three movies:
Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day,
In Bruges, and
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. in a row. plus a few tv shows. yay inflight entertainment!
- got my first ever facial, which was cool, i guess. except some of the um cleansing moisturizing exfoliating minty fresh drippy magic elixir leaked into my eye, which was definitely NOT cool. but whatevs, my face feels better. oh, and the lady
shaved my eyebrows. um, wtf?! ugh, i thought she would use wax or tweezers. but also, not a disaster (thank god).
- at the beauty parlour, they set my mum's eyes on fire. well ok, on top of a towel and another uhh pretty strong layer of something, obvi, but it was an eye treatment for her undereye bags. hee, it was actually pretty cool; wish i'd brought my camera.
- GOT AN ENGLAND SHIRT!!! :D :D :D umm, not sure where exactly it fits in the catalogue, since their home shirt is white and away is red. *shrug* who cares, it's awesome, i love it, i'm wearing it now, i love it i love it and did i mention i love it??!
- my uncle totes denied the whole scandal about that gymnast being underage at the lolympics. heh heh. well i don't even know the whole deal, but i'm pretty sure it was true. i really don't give a shit about the lolympics, but they sure made alotta merchandise!
- my cousin has class six days a week!! D: she had a test this morning (Saturday). and she said some of the more competitive schools make their students go a full seven days. unbelievable. hay remember when college was always 3-day weekends? that was the life.
- mosquitoes are eating me alive
Ok so I've actually found a way around the LJ block, but I thought it would be nice to post on here, since I rarely ever do anymore. "Rarely ever do anymore"? Does that sound right to you?